Multi-Step Modeling of Receiver Functions and Surface Wave Dispersion

It is argued that a Multiple-Step Procedure in joint modeling of surface wave group velocity dispersion curves and teleseismic receiver functions should be used whenever possible for inferring details of crust and upper mantle structure. This imaging technique is a great complement to images inferred from seismic tomography. The method relies on an initial grid-search for a simple crustal structure, and is followed by an inversion. An additional grid search for shear wave velocity in the mantle qickly converges to a solution that explains long period deispersion. Finally, a forward modeling of polarization anisotropy is needed to resolve the fits of both Love and Rayleigh surface wave dispersion, which, in many cases, is impossible to achieve if only an isotropic model is considered. The multi-step method thus results in a fit of long period surface wave dispersion, while preserving the fit to the observed receiver functions and short period surface wave dispersion. It gives an improved resolution of lithosphere, achieved in an intuitive way, with the understanding of which part of the model is responsible for which data.
The grid search for simple crustal structure (STEP 1) is facilitated using a library of pre-computed receiver functions (RFs) and surface wave group velocity dispersion curves. An example of a grid-search for receiver functions with 4 variable-thickness layers in the crust and a half-space in the mantle is shown for station QIZ in China, operated by the Global Seismographic Network.

Grid-search inversion results (for 4 layers in the crust and a half-space in the uppermost mantle, for 1D Vs velocity structure at GSN station QIZ. The observed RFs are shown with thick gray lines, and the synthetic RFs from the best 10 models are shown with yellow thin lines. Best-fitting 1000 models are displayed on the right side utilizing the logarithmic color scheme. PREM is indicated with black thick lines.

The multi-step method is illustrated in 4 figures below, which show a gradual progress in fitting the observed receiver functions and surface wave dispersion curves for station KBRS in Saudi Arabia. Initial model obtained from a grid-search (STEP 1) only fits receiver functions well. STEP 2 (linearized inversion) further improves fits to receiver functions, but does not fit dispersion curves at intermediate and long periods. Additional grid-search for structure in the mantle dramatically improves the fit to the long-period Rayleigh wave dispersion (STEP 3), however the fits to Love wave dispersion are still poor. A final solution is obtained through STEP 4, in which the polarization anisotropy is introduced in the crust and upper mantle (dashed lines) to match both Rayleigh and Love wave dispersion (the final fit of the dispersion data is shown with dashed lines).




The method is applied to ten stations in the Arabian Peninsula sampling various tectonic environments including active continental rifting and stable regions (Tkalčić et al., JGR, 2006). Further variations of the method have so far been applied to stations in China, Australia and Croatia, with a combination of grid-search with Monte Carlo and Neighborhood Algorithm inversions ( Chen et al., JGR, 2010; Stipčević et al., in press in GJI; Fontaine et al., to be submitted; Tkalčić et al., to be submited). Interactive Receiver Function Forward Modeller (IRFFM) is a Java program for interactive modeling, and it is freely available from this web site (Tkalčić and Banerjee, 2009).

We are currently working on IRFFM2, a software for an interactive modeling of receiver functions and surface wave dispersion, including polarization anisotropy.

Observation of strong polarization anisotropy (up to 12%) in the crust and upper mantle beneath Arabian Peninsula

In the study of lithospheric structure of Saudi Arabia, the iterative inversion improves fit to the data by increasing the number of layers in the crust when necessary. In order to fit the surface wave group velocity for periods greater than about 50 seconds, we perform a grid search over mantle velocities including the mantle lid and low-velocity zone (LVZ), keeping the crustal structure fixed to the values from the previous step. In some cases a clear Love-Rayleigh discrepancy prevents a simultaneous fit of the group velocities with an isotropic model. The Love-Rayleigh discrepancy can be resolved by allowing shear wave transverse isotropy (a.k.a. polarization anisotropy) with a vertical symmetry axis (Vsh - Vsv differences) in the uppermost mantle.

The resulting shear velocity models confirm rapid crustal thinning of the Arabian Shield toward the Red Sea, however we do not find strong evidence for crustal thickening towards the Arabian Platform. Our results suggest that the mantle lithosphere thickness varies regionally but that the mantle shear velocities beneath the Arabian Shield and Red Sea coast are generally anomalously low. Furthermore our results indicate the presence of strong polarization anisotropy (up to about 12%) in the lithospheric upper mantle, in the vicinity of, as well as farther away from the Red Sea. Our modeling yields Vsv > Vsh in the southwestern part of the Arabian Peninsula, consistent with vertical flow, and Vsh > Vsv in the northwestern part of the Arabian Peninsula and the continental interior, consistent with horizontal flow, indicating that the mantle flow pattern is not uniform along the axis of the Red Sea.

Map of station locations (triangles) and the values estimated in the multi-step modeling of receiver functions and surface waves. Line 1: Moho depth, shear wave velocity values in the layer above and the layer below Moho; Line 2: lithospheric lid thickness (NP Ð not pronounced), maximum shear wave velocity in the lid (Vsv or Vsh); Line 3: thickness of the low velocity zone, minimum shear wave velocity in the LVZ (Vsv or Vsh); maximum percentage of Vsh>Vsv transverse isotropy.

This is an electronic version of an article published by Journal of Geophysical Research ; Copyright (2006) American Geophysical Union:
Tkalčić, H., M. Pasyanos, A. Rodgers, R. Gok, W. Walter and A. Al-Amri, Multistep method in joint modelling of receiver functions and surface waves: Implication for lithospheric structure of the Arabian Peninsula, Journal of Geophysical Research, B11311, doi:10.1029/2005JB004130, 2006

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