

     Slides program allows you to prepare selected tomographic cross-sections or layers for publication. It uses configuration files to perform these tasks. Therefore, there are no interactive functions besides those allowed by Matlab figure editor itself. Those Matlab figure editor functions are very useful especially for UNIX users where limited number of image editors is available.  



1.   Getting started


First of all you must prepare your configuration files. There are two types of files based on the output configuration file of the Explore program: cross-section configuration file and slice configuration file.


Cross-section configuration file example:


Seismicity z:\GeoVis\DEMO\seismicity.hyp 2.0 200.                            Seismicity keyword defines the seismicity plotting feature.

Data z:\DEMO\AMP-global-model.dat  z:\DEMO\palT2.cpt               Data keyword points to the model and color palette files.

Cut                                                                                                            Cut keyword characterizes the cross-section features.

138.00 60.5 160.0 51.40 A' A                                                                   Cross-section coordinates with corresponding characters.

1 9 1                                                                                                          Lines to be plotted for reference (numbers are layers).

2                                                                                                                Number of tags to be plotted.

139 59 O                                                                                                   Tag coordinates (Lon and Lat) with corresponding characters.

140 58  I


137.0 56.3 159. 50.5 B' B

1 9 1



End Data                                                                                                  End data keyword

EndInput                                                                                                   End file keyword



Keyword parameters:


Seismicity keyword can be omitted in the file. In this case no seismicity will be plotted on cross-sections. It is the less time-consuming way to plot the figures.


 Once you decide to plot the seismicity following format must be used:


Seismicity [source_file] radius_of_balls width_of_cross-section_km


Source file name can be omitted, in this case seismicity will be taken from the database. However, radius of the plotted balls representing seismicity and width of the cross-section (km) must be specified.


Data keyword specifies the path and file name of the tomographic model and color palette. There are no any options at the moment so far.


Cut keyword specifies the beginning of the cross-section information and the way how to plot it. For example:


Cut                        Simple cut through the model

Cut 10 + Avg        Shows average positive values within 10 km band along the cross-section

Cut 10 – Min        Plots only minima negative values within 10 km band along the cross-section

Cut 10 All Max    Plots maximum value selected from the 10 km band along the cross-section


Combination of all these parameters is allowed while it follows the same format.



 Slice configuration file example:


Data z:\DEMO\AMP-global-model.dat  z:\DEMO\palT2.cpt   Paths to the model and color palette files

Mercator 10. 5. Left Bottom 135. 49. 175.  65.                          Map projection, space between boundary ticks, axis to plot, limits of area.


4 5 6                                                                                              Number of layer to be plotted

End                                                                                                End of layer information

Cut                                                                                                Beginning of the cross-section information

161.0 52.40 138.00 60.5 A A'                                                       Cross-section coordinates

2                                                                                                    Number of tags to be plotted

139 59 O                                                                                       Tag coordinates

140 58  I

Cut                                                                                                Next cut

159. 50.5 137.0 56.3  B B'







Name of the map projection must follow the line describing the source data. Following map projections are available:




     Azimuthal Equal-area

     Azimuthal Equidistant



     Albers Equal-Area Conic

     Lambert Conformal Conic


     Miller Cylindrical

     Equidistant Cylindrical

     Oblique Mercator

     Transverse Mercator







For example the command line


Azimuthal Equi 2 3 Bottom Left 135. 49. 175.  65.


will plot all layers using Azumuthal Equidistant projection showing bottom and left axis with space between ticks 2 degrees in longitude and 3 degrees in latitude direction. Only area defined by 135. 49. 175.  65. (LonMin LatMin LonMax LatMax ) will be visualized.



2.   Running the Slides program


Type Slides in the command window of Matlab. Two windows will appear: the Main window and Control window.


Main window:




Control  window:




Main window visualizes the figures while Control window allows users to control general representation.



Press right mouse button near the border of the Main window to call pop-up menu. Following options will be available:


Load Cuts                                     Option to load cross-section configuration files

Load Slides                                   Option to load slice configuration files

Load Volcanoes                           Additional option to load custom file with volcanoes location

Format                                          Calls Command window.

Next Page                                     Shows next page of the figures not displayed in the current Main window

Prev Page                                     Shows previous page of the figures not displayed in the current Main window

Legend                                          Allows to select desired color-palette at the bottom of Main window if multiple palette files were used. 

Save Image                                  Saves image of the Main window.

Print                                              Prints current Main window






After loading cross-section or/and slices configuration files you should specify number of pictures in X and Y directions using corresponding slide-bars of the Control window. Press Row-wise button to specify the order in which they will be distributed in the Main window. Finally, press Set Format button to activate the settings.


You can plot volcanoes pressing Plot Volcanoes button.

Seismicity will be visualized only after pressing Plot Seismicity button. Remember – this option is activated only if corresponding information is provided in the cross-section configuration files.



3. Example



Example of the simple layer visualization can be discussed basing on the area around Japan. Following SLC (slice configuration file) :


Data AMP-global-model.dat palT2.cpt

Mercator 5. 5. Left Bottom 115 35 150 50





144.158203 36.755859 122.033203 49.201172 A A"

1 18 1


130 45 I





will produce an image –




you can exit from the program, rerun it and load CUT (cross-section configuration file) file as follows –


Seismicity 2 100

Data AMP-global-model.dat palT2.cpt


144.158203 36.755859 122.033203 49.201172 A A"

1 18 1


130 45 I





Following figure will be plotted







you must press Plot Seismicity button to visualize the seismicity on cross-section. Program Slides allows you to visualize both types of files. You can load SLC and CUT files one by one without exiting from the program. For example, if you download previously discussed SLC and CUT files of the Japan area you will get the figure as follows:






Do not forget to specify 2 figures along Y or X directions on corresponding slide-bar and press Set format button to visualize both images together.


3.   Figure editing


All information and objects located on the Main window can be moved or edited. Additional comments, lines etc. can be added as well. You must use standard Matlab editing tool-bar  located at the top of the Main window to perform these tasks.  Please, use Matlab manual for further information.


TIP: Use cut/past option to change the layer of objects or check out Hide box in axes properties.