Matthew A. Crawford and Stephen F. Cox
The development of low displacement, moderate to high-angle reverse
faults during the formation of the Argo gold deposit, within a tholeiitic
gabbro host-rock, involved a four stage evolution of deformation
and associated hydrothermal alteration. Fault zone evolution
and Au mineralization were associated with high fluid flux, fault-valve
behaviour in a severely-misoriented fault zone. The far-field
maximum principal stress was approximately east-west and horizontal,
and the far-field minimum principal stress was sub-vertical. The
fault system developed at approximately 400°C in a transitional brittle-ductile
regime, near the base of the continental seismogenic regime. Initial
Stage 1 deformation involved ductile shear and the development of
potassic (biotite-rich) alteration assemblages and associated reaction-weakening
in shear zones; few quartz extension veins were formed. Stage 2 is
marked by onset of predominantly brittle shear failure at elevated
pore fluid factors, and was associated with widespread development
of matrix-supported, dilational breccias in fault zones, and a change
to sodic (albite-carbonate-quartz) alteration styles. Extension veins
have limited development. Stage 3 is also dominated by brittle shear
failure, and characterized by a change to quartz-carbonate assemblages
in fault-fill veins and breccias. In contrast to Stage 2, large arrays
of extension veins are well-developed adjacent to faults. In
Stage 4, widespread sub-horizontal quartz-carbonate-biotite extension
veins were developed, but shear failure was limited.
Failure mode diagrams in pore fluid factor ~ differential stress
space (Figure 1) illustrate how the structural evolution and styles
of mineralisation in the Argo fault system reflect a response to
progressive changes in relative rates of change of pore fluid factor
and differential stress during individual fault-valve cycles. High
fluid fluxes and rapid rates of recovery of fluid pressures, relative
to rates of recovery of shear stress after slip events, have maintained
the system at near-lithostatic fluid pressures and very low differential
stresses during gold mineralization.
The structural and rock mechanics study has been complemented by
detailed microstructural, microchemical and stable isotope studies
of hydrothermal alteration and vein mineral assemblages to characterise
variations in the intensity and style of alteration in space and
time in the Argo shear system. This work, together with analysis
of gold grade distribution, is providing new insights about structural
and geochemical controls on gold deposition at scales ranging from
the deposit scale, down to metre-scales.