Select the image to see the seismic deployments throughout Australia on Google Maps
The Seismology and Mathematical Geophysics research group within the Earth Physics area has broad research interests ranging from
elucidating lithospheric structures, to studying the inner
core, to developing new methods for imaging earth's interior. Please have a look around and contact any one of the researchers here.
The Earth Physics - Seismology & Mathematical Geophysics group covers a range of activities designed to exploit the favourable geographic location of Australia relative to the worlds earthquake belts. This is reflected in extensive studies using deployments of portable instrumentation to study the structure of the Australian continent and the mantle beneath. In addition, research in different topics of theoretical seismology are a strength of the group.
The group operates the Warramunga Seismic and Infrasound Research Station (WRA) near Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory. The seismic and infrasound arrays are primary stations in the International Monitoring System for the Comphrensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organizaiton (CTBTO). The arrays have both been upgraded to meet Treaty standards since 2000, and data is sent by satellite link to the International Data Centre in Vienna, and the National Data Centre at Geoscience Australia in Canberra.
The broad-band station CAN at Mt Stromlo is operated in association with the French GEOSCOPE network and a broad-band borehole instrument (WRAB) is supported at the Warramunga Array for the IRIS-IDA network as a contribution to global seismology.
The group hosts the National Research Facility for Earth Sounding (ANSIR) Major National Research Facility which operates both reflection profiling and portable instrumentation for approved projects. Ownership of the reflection component of the Facility was transferred to ANU in mid-2002 and Professor Kennett is now the Director with an Executive Officer for ANSIR supported by Geoscience Australia.
The group has been able to attract significant external funding from a variety of sources for work relating to Australian structure, seismic wave propagation, inversion for source location and mechanism and the nature of regional phases.
Please use the links to the left to access information regarding the numerous field projects throughout continental Australia; visit the group members websites; learn about the seismic instrumentation, facilities, and software; and much more.