
Abhay Pandey

Research School of Earth Sciences
The Australian National University
Jaeger Building 2
Room #238
Mills Road Acton
Canberra, ACT 2601
+61 4 6645-2791 (tel)
e-mail: abhay.pandey@anu.edu.au


PhD in Seismology, 2020-ongoing
Preliminary PhD thesis title: Studies of microseismic excitations in the southern hemisphere
Research School of Earth Sciences, The Australian National University, Australia

Integrated M.Sc. in Earth Sciences, 2013-2018
Thesis topic: Estimation of average Moho depth in Gujarat region by computing PmP delay times on P-normalized waveform stack.
Centre for Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences (CEOAS), University of Hyderabad, India


Paul, H., Pandey, A., Kumar, M.R. and Kumar, S. (2021),Investigation of crustal thickness and uppermost mantle velocity beneath Gujarat, western India, utilizing Moho reflected P phases. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. OPEN ACCESS

Singh, A., Kumar,M.R., Pandey, A. and Roy, K.S. (2019), Investigation of spatial and temporal variability of site response in the Arunachal Himalaya using ambient seismic noise and earthquake waveforms. Near Surface Geophysics. OPEN ACCESS

Conference Abstracts:

A. Pandey, H. Tkalčić and X. Ma (2022), Spatio-temporal Analysis of the Southern Ocean Storms Using the Australian Seismic Arrays. AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, United States. Online Poster.

A. Pandey, H. Tkalčić (2021), Probing the Upper Mantle Structure With the Southern Ocean Storms and Australian Seismic Arrays. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, United States. Online Poster.

A. Pandey, H. Tkalčić (2021), Spatio-temporal Analysis of the Southern Ocean Storms Using Australian Seismic Arrays, AuScope Conference, Australia. Online Talk.

Academic honours/achievements:

ANU PhD Scholarship, ANU, 2020
Twice the recipient of Summer Research Fellowship jointly sponsored by Indian Science Academies during the year 2015 and 2016.

Research Interests:

Array Seismology
Ambient Noise and Microseisms


Computer Languages: Python, Shell scripting, Matlab and familiar with C/C++.
Seismological tools: ObsPy, SAC, TauP
Languages: English and Hindi(native)

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