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PhD in Seismology, 2011 - 2014
M.Sc in Geophysics, 2007 - 2010
2014/10 - present: Postdoctoral Research Fellow,
Research School of Earth Sciences, ANU.
2014/02 - 2014/04: Research assistant,
Department of Geoscience, Aarhus University.
2011/02 - 2014/01: Research assistant/Ph.D. student,
Department of Geoscience, Aarhus University.
2008/04 - 2008/06: Junior researcher/Netwrok operator,
Iranian Seismological Center.
2014 ARC Discovery Grant "Rapid determination of earthquake sources in Australia
Hejrani, B., B.H. Jacobsen, and N. Balling (2014),
Teleseismic tomography when stations follow profiles: pitfalls and remedies, Seismological Research Letters, 85, 997-1003.
Hejrani, B.H., B.H. Jacobsen, N. Balling, R. Kind, F. Tilmann, R. England and S.B. Nielsen (2014),
P-wave and S-wave traveltime residuals in Caledonian and adjacent units of Northern Europe and Greenland, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2014-10014, Vienna, Austria.
Schiffer, C., N. Balling, B.H. Jacobsen, B. Hejrani and S.B. Nielsen (2013),
Upper mantle and crustal structure of the East Greenland Caledonides: New geophysical evidence and geodynamic implications, Abstract from 2013 AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, United states.
Hejrani, B., B.H. Jacobsen, N. Balling, F. Tilmann, R. Kind. (2013),
Upper-mantle velocity structure beneath Jutland, Denmark and northern Germany: Preliminary results, Abstract from Knoledge for the future, Guthenburg, Sweden.
Hejrani, B., B.H. Jacobsen, N. Balling and R. England (2012),
A seismic tomography study of lithospheric structure under the Norwegian Caledonides, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2012-4334. Vienna, Austria
Hejrani, B., B.H. Jacobsen, A.B. Medhus and N. Balling (2011),
Resolving a deep lithosphere transition between Southern Norway and Southern Sweden, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2011-3144.
Ranked 52 at General exam for M.Sc in Iran amoung 4000 participants.
2012 funded to attend 2012 EGU General assembly in Vienna by Europian Science Foundation
Moment tensor inversion, fault plane estimation, waveform propagation in 3D structure.
Kurdish (native language), English (fluent), Persian (Fluent)
PhD thesis topic: Upper-mantle P- and S-wave velocities below Scandinavia and East Greenland from teleseismic travletime tomography
Department of Geoscience, Aarhus University, Denmark
Institute of Geophysics, University of Tehran, Iran
Professional Appointments:
Current project:
Conference abstracts:
Academic honours:
Scholarships and Travel Awards:
Research Interests:
Crust and mantle imaging using variaty of methods.
Other skills and interests:
Reading, Music.