
Babak Hejrani

Research School of Earth Sciences
The Australian National University
Jaeger Building 61A
Room #236
Mills Road Acton
Canberra, ACT 0200
+61 2 6125-4833 (tel)
+61 2 6257-2737 (fax)
e-mail: babak.hejrani@anu.edu.au


PhD in Seismology, 2011 - 2014
PhD thesis topic: Upper-mantle P- and S-wave velocities below Scandinavia and East Greenland from teleseismic travletime tomography
Department of Geoscience, Aarhus University, Denmark

M.Sc in Geophysics, 2007 - 2010
Institute of Geophysics, University of Tehran, Iran

Professional Appointments:

2014/10 - present: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Research School of Earth Sciences, ANU.

2014/02 - 2014/04: Research assistant, Department of Geoscience, Aarhus University.

2011/02 - 2014/01: Research assistant/Ph.D. student, Department of Geoscience, Aarhus University.

2008/04 - 2008/06: Junior researcher/Netwrok operator, Iranian Seismological Center.

Current project:

2014 ARC Discovery Grant "Rapid determination of earthquake sources in Australia


Hejrani, B., B.H. Jacobsen, and N. Balling (2014), Teleseismic tomography when stations follow profiles: pitfalls and remedies, Seismological Research Letters, 85, 997-1003.

Conference abstracts:

Hejrani, B.H., B.H. Jacobsen, N. Balling, R. Kind, F. Tilmann, R. England and S.B. Nielsen (2014), P-wave and S-wave traveltime residuals in Caledonian and adjacent units of Northern Europe and Greenland, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2014-10014, Vienna, Austria.

Schiffer, C., N. Balling, B.H. Jacobsen, B. Hejrani and S.B. Nielsen (2013), Upper mantle and crustal structure of the East Greenland Caledonides: New geophysical evidence and geodynamic implications, Abstract from 2013 AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, United states.

Hejrani, B., B.H. Jacobsen, N. Balling, F. Tilmann, R. Kind. (2013), Upper-mantle velocity structure beneath Jutland, Denmark and northern Germany: Preliminary results, Abstract from Knoledge for the future, Guthenburg, Sweden.

Hejrani, B., B.H. Jacobsen, N. Balling and R. England (2012), A seismic tomography study of lithospheric structure under the Norwegian Caledonides, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2012-4334. Vienna, Austria

Hejrani, B., B.H. Jacobsen, A.B. Medhus and N. Balling (2011), Resolving a deep lithosphere transition between Southern Norway and Southern Sweden, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2011-3144.

Academic honours:

Ranked 52 at General exam for M.Sc in Iran amoung 4000 participants.

Scholarships and Travel Awards:

2012 funded to attend 2012 EGU General assembly in Vienna by Europian Science Foundation

Research Interests:

Moment tensor inversion, fault plane estimation, waveform propagation in 3D structure.
Crust and mantle imaging using variaty of methods.

Other skills and interests:

Kurdish (native language), English (fluent), Persian (Fluent)
Reading, Music.

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