
Josip Stipčević

Research School of Earth Sciences
The Australian National University
Jaeger Building 61A
Room #236
Mills Road Acton
Canberra, ACT 0200
+61 2 6125-4833 (tel)
+61 2 6257-2737 (fax)
e-mail: jstipcevic@gfz.hr


PhD in Seismology, 2007 - 2012
PhD thesis topic: Study of Lithosphere under the Dinaric Mountains Chain using the Receiver Functions
Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb

Diploma of Engineering in Physics (~M.Sc. Physics), 2006
Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb

Professional Appointments:

2013/07 - present: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Research School of Earth Sciences, ANU.

2012/10 - 2013/07: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Geophysics, University of Zagreb.

2007/07 - 2012/10: Research assistant/Ph.D. student, Department of Geophysics, University of Zagreb.

2007/01 - 2007/07: Junior researcher/Technician, Seismological Survey of Croatia.

Current project:

2013 ARC Discovery Grant "Multi-array, multi-frequency probing of the Earth's heterogeneity


Stipčević, J., H. Tkalčić, M. Herak, S. Markušić, and D. Herak (2011), Crustal and uppermost mantle structure beneath the External Dinarides, Croatia, determined from teleseismic receiver functions, Geophysical Journal International, 185, 1103-1119.

Gallipoli, M.R., M. Mucciarelli, B. Sket-Motnikar, P. Zupančič, A. Gosar, S. Prevolnik, M. Herak, J. Stipčević, D. Herak, Z. Milutinović, and T. Olumčeva (2010), Empirical estimates of dynamic parameters on a large set of European buildings, Bulletin of earthquake engineering, , 8, 593-607.

Herak, M., I. Allegretti, D. Herak, K. Kuk, V. Kuk, K. Marić, S. Markušić, and J. Stipčević (2010), HVSR of ambient noise in Ston (Croatia) - comparison with theoretical spectra and with the damage distribution after the 1996 Ston-Slano earthquake, Bulletin of earthquake engineering, 8, 483-499.

Herak, M., D. Herak, and J. Stipčević, J. (2009), Azimuthal anisotropy of Pg-wave velocity in hypocentral volumes of NW Croatia, Acta Geophysica 57, 600-615.

Conference abstracts:

Stipčević, J., H. Tkalčić, M. Herak, J. Dettmer, and A. Gosar (2013), Geometry of the Crust-Mantle boundary beneath the Dinarides, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2013-6607-2, Vienna, Austria.

Stipčević, J., Lj. Vućić, M. Herak, and D. Herak (2012), Structure of the crust and upper mantle in the Southern External Dinarides as derived from receiver function analysis, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2012-8527, Vienna, Austria.

Dasović, I. and Stipčević, J. (2012), Depth of Moho derived from receiver functions in relation to coda attenuation parameters in Croatia, Geophysical Challenges of the 21st Century, Book of abstracts 42-42, Zagreb, Croatia.

Herak, M., H. Tkalčić, J. Stipčević, S. Markušić and D. Herak (2009), Structure of the Lithosphere Beneath Croatia Determined from Broadband Radial Receiver Functions, Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract DI51B-1520, San Francisco, USA.

Stipčević, J., H. Tkalčić, S. Markušić, M. Herak and D. Herak (2008), Lithospheric structure beneath coastal and continental Croatia determined from broadband teleseismic waveform modeling, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T23B-2033, San Francisco, USA.

Academic honours:

2012 Outstanding Young Scientist Award, University of Zagreb

2011 Best student paper award, Geophysical Journal International

Scholarships and Travel Awards:

2011 Endeavour award - Australian Government scholarship

2010 Croatian Science Foundation Scholarship

Research Interests:

Transdimensional, hierarchical, Bayesian inversion; uncertainty analysis
Lithospheric imaging using wide range of seismic methods

Other skills and interests:

Croatian (native language), English (fluent), Italian (advanced)
Reading, fishing, hiking, biking

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