Beaver Lake, Sunday, 6th January 2002

It was overcast and windy today, still strong day long katabatics ! Anya even questioned the weather forecasts somewhat tongue in cheek, as she really needed a calm few hours to level the seismometer !!! Tom and I were really getting a dose of "big-eye", an Antarctic summer syndrome due to the 24 hour daylight. We both had trouble getting to sleep and eventually getting up late in the morning ! I finished "The Crossing of the Antarctic" by Fuchs and Ed Hillary, an account of the IGY Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition of 1957. Because of the shitty weather, I made up some direction signs (same as Druzhnaya, to augment the glacio pole with). Davis was being covered in snow and four helicopters were busy shifting all the expeditioners off the Polar Bird onto the Aurora Australis. The seismic station was gradually being accreted with equipment, but still waiting for these bloody winds to stop !

Beaver Lake (BVLK) Technical Inspection

Beaver Lake, Base Camp S 70°48'11" E 68°10'46"

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