RSV Aurora Australis, Tuesday, 22nd January 2002

Today's big event was an extensive BBQ on the trawl deck, the delicious smell of woody smoke and steaks, kebabs wafting through the air. It was a universal celebration of a remarkable voyage and imminent return to Australia and surprising quantities of quality beers and wines materialised out of every expeditioners kit. The sun broke out in the evening as the Aurora scudded quickly through the final section of the Southern Ocean. A small group of us had a really good time revelling in the F deck realms of Neptune's Underworld and lost track of time a bit. Because F "Fun" deck is below the water line there are no port holes. So, it was with some astonishment and surprise that we had missed breakfast resurfacing into broad daylight with the glorious crags of the Southern Tassie coast at 9.50 am.

Position at 33:50 local time (UT +11hr) F Deck near Maatsuyker Island
abt 150 km S of Hobart

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