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The Australian National University
Research School of Earth Sciences - Hrvoje Tkalčić - PHOTOS

Devils Marbles (Karlu Karlu), Northern Territory

Working in the Seismology and Mathematical Geophysics group of the RSES has given me a great opportunity to see some of the most remote places of Australia, and on the planet, as a matter of fact. While in the field, we spend most of the time driving from one place to another, installing or servicing our instruments. One is submerged in the unreal, almost mystic, world of red vastness.
It is sometimes easy to forget that photographs are usually taken in the moments of relaxation. The conditions in the outback, however, are difficult: it is hot and dusty, the surfaces of unpaved roads behave as ice for 4WD vehicles (with a high centre of mass). One is sometimes surrounded by the clouds of most persistent flies. The moments such as those when our moving vehicle hits a wild animal, or when it gets bogged in the mud, are not really appropriate for taking photos, which would disappoint most professional photographers.
The photos featured on this web site are all reduced in size to fit the screen resolution and reduced again to fit the page content and save the amount of space. I use a Canon EOS 20D camera in combination with several lenses; my favorite is the 50 mm f1.4 lens. Programs like Photoshop are difficult to use for color adjustment, because their algorithms misinterpret the red color of the Outback as unreal.
My biggest influence in photography is my uncle Tihomir Pinter, and I am most grateful to my friend Ivan Rabak for sharing with me his insights and enthusiasm about photography, as well as offering the plenty of constructive criticism. One never stops learning.

Photos from the Australian Outback

EAL1 deployment - northwestern New South Wales, 2009
BILBY deployment - central Australia, 2008
SETA deployment - Tasmania, 2007
CAPRA deployment - Western Australia, 2007

Photos from Warramunga, Northern Territory

Warramunga - Northern Territory, 2007-2008

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